Dark Castle
Ante Room
This is the room where you begin. Enter a door to choose your path. The
currently selected door is indicated by the highlighted symbol above the door.
The paths (doors), from left to right, are Trouble, Fireball, Black Knight,
and Shield.
Shield 1
Move to the right before the trap door below you gives way. Shoot the three
(green) mutants now so they don't give you trouble later. Move right to the
first ladder. Get on the ladder but don't climb to the next level yet. Right
after a barrel passes over you, climb up the ladder. Quickly move
left to the next ladder. Climb that ladder, then quickly move right to the
next ladder. Climb that ladder, then move a little bit to the left and duck
as a barrel flies overhead. As soon as that barrel passes, move left and
climb the last ladder. Jump across the platforms to your right to exit the
Shield 2
Jump back and forth across the conveyor belts to reach the ladders and move
up in the room. Make sure to shoot the rats so they don't kill you when you
land on them. When you reach the highest level you will pick up a mace.
Swing the mace to swat the barrels that the henchman is hurling at you while
slowly advancing towards said henchman. When you are in range, use the mace
to knock him down. While the henchman is down, run right past him to exit
the room.
Shield 3
Press up to climb the first rope. When you are next to the second rope, press
right and then right again to move to the other side of the rope and then
switch to the second rope. Continue across the entire room in this fashion to
make it to the ladder. Wait until the cloud is not overhead and climb the
ladder. While being careful to not be under the cloud when the lightning
strikes, move to the left until you are on top of the hanging shield. Press
the jump button to obtain the shield. You should now be immobile but should
be able to raise the shield over your head by pressing jump. Raise the shield
when the cloud strikes lightning at you. If your timing is right, this will
give you the power of Shield and return you to the Ante Room.
Fireball 1 - only on select handsets
Shoot the bats and rats before the trap door opens. Progress to the right
and up the ladder. Make your way left, pulling each chain as you go. Each
chain will produce a platform for you to jump on later in the level. Be sure
to shoot the rat on the far left side of the room before swinging on the rope.
Once you have swung over to the left, climb the ladder to the top and swing
on the higher rope to the platforms you created by pulling the chains. Exit
the room to the right.
Fireball 2
Shoot the two bats so they don't hurt you later. Move right across the room
by jumping from one floating rock to the next while avoiding the falling
stalactites. Exit the room on the right to continue to Fireball 4.
Fireball 3 - only on select handsets
Shoot the critters before they get you as your platform floats to the right.
Be sure to take out the mutant ASAP as he will throw rocks at you. If you
are low on rocks but have the Shield, you can activate the Shield to get
you through the room as well. When the floating platform reaches the end
of the lava, jump to the right and exit the room.
Fireball 4
While moving through the room, shoot the Evil Eye to keep it from following/
shooting at you (You can't kill the eye, only slow it down). Shoot the
broom, it will split into multiple smaller brooms. Keep shooting the
brooms until they have all disappeared. Move to the right side of the room
and climb the rope. Jump across the platforms to reach and climb the second
rope. Jump to the platform with the three pull-chains. You must pull all
three chains in the correct (random) sequence. If your three pulls are
incorrect, the metal door to your right will open halfway and then close
again. If your three pulls are correct, the metal door will open all the
way. Once you have opened the door, jump across and advance right towards
Merlin. When you are close enough, Merlin will give you the fireball power
and you will be returned to the Ante Room.
Trouble 1
Shoot the two hanging bats. Proceed down the stairs to the bottom level,
shooting guards when they are in your way. Once on the bottom level, proceed
right to the ropes, shooting the guard as necessary. Climb the ropes and jump
off onto the ledge. Exit the room by walking to the right.
Trouble 2 - only on select handsets
This room can be entered from either side. If you have rocks, it is
advisable to kill all the critters and stun the guard as soon as you can.
If you're low on rocks, just eliminate the bats, and carefully avoid the
other enemies. If he's not stunned or eliminated, be extra careful not
to swing into the guard when swinging on the ropes above.
Trouble 3
Note: This assumes that you started in the lower-right corner as if you feel
into Trouble 3. If, instead, you entered though the door in the upper-right
(from Trouble 1), the move left, descend the stairs, descend the ladder, move
left to proceed normally.
Move left and climb the rope while avoiding the pendulum. Climb the ladder and
move left to the next ladder. Shoot the guard to knock him down and descend
the ladder. Move all the way to the left to throw the lever which stops the
pendulum. Shoot the guard again if necessary. Move back to the right, climb
the ladder, move right, descend the ladder, and descend the rope. Jump left
over the table and grab the mace. When the henchman stops whipping, quickly
move left and hit him with the mace. Quickly move all the way to the left
and stand under each hanging key. If you are standing in front of the wrong
key, the prisoners will shake their heads. If you grab the wrong key, the
weight will crush you. Grab only the correct key and while the henchman is
still down quickly move back to the right and jump back over the table. Climb
the rope and then the ladder. Move to the left and climb the stairs. Move
all the way to the right. Now that you have a key you can press up to unlock
the door and then up again to exit though the door. This will return you to
the ledge in Trouble 1. You will then have to navigate Trouble 1 in reverse,
but now you have a key to unlock the door at the starting point of Trouble 1.
Black Knight 1
Jump onto the right rope, press right repeatedly (and occasionally up) to move
right across most of the ropes. When you reach the wall, descend on the rope
and drop off onto the platform. Climb the stairs and the ladder to reach the
next rope. Climb that rope to be able to switch to the final rope. Descend to
drop onto the final platform. Climb the ladder to exit the room, this will
exit you back to the Ante Room.
Black Knight 2 - only on select handsets
This is an easy room. Eliminate the critters, time your jumps to the
floating platforms correctly, and remember to pull the chain to open the
exit door.
Black Knight 3
Move left off of trap door before it opens. The Black Knight will throw mugs
at you. You must avoid being hit as you move through the room. Move left to
throw the lever on the wall which will activate the trap door in the center
of the room. If the flying monkey comes for you, you must kill him with a
fireball, rocks do not affect the monkey. Make your way to all five
pull-chains and pull each one without being hit by a mug. After pulling the
fifth chain, the Black Knights throne will collapse and he will fall out of
the room. This wins the game.