Tech Support:
Big Buck Hunter Pro
Q: How do I log in to a Big Buck Hunter Pro account?
Q: Is there a charge for registering a Big Buck Hunter Pro account and/or using network features?
Q: How do I log out of a Big Buck Hunter Pro account?
Q: How do I view networked leaderboards?
Q: How do I reload after a shot?
Q: How does Critter Bonus scoring work?
Q: How does the Streak Bonus scoring work?
Q: Why aren’t Streak Bonus points included in my Hunter Hero total?
Q: I received a Marksman award after completing a site. What did I do to achieve this?
Q: How does scoring work for bucks?
Q: I achieved “Double Perfect” on a bonus level. What does this mean?
Q: What qualifies as a “Perfect Site”?
Q: Can I save my progress in a trek/adventure and resume where I left off later?
Q: When using the Arcade Game Finder, all I see is a blue, white or green screen. What happened?
Q: Can I play Big Buck Hunter Pro on a jailbroken device?
Q: How do I log in to a Big Buck Hunter Account?
A: In order to log in to a Big Buck Hunter Pro account you must have an active internet connection available before launching the application. When you are on the main menu in Big Buck Hunter Pro, tap the connectivity symbol in the upper right corner of the screen (shaped like a diamond). On the Network menu, press “Login” if you wish to log in to an existing Big Buck Hunter Pro account. If you don’t have a Big Buck Hunter Pro account, press “Register” on the Network menu instead. Fill in your account information on the login/register screen and press “Submit”. If your information is valid and you have an active internet connection, you will be logged in and return to the main menu.
Q: Is there a charge for registering a Big Buck Hunter Pro account and/or using network features?
A: No. Registering accounts is free of charge. Posting to network leaderboards and accessing other network features is free as well.
Q: How do I log out of a Big Buck Hunter Pro account?
A: Tap the connectivity symbol in the upper right corner of the main menu. On the Network menu, press “Logout”.
Q: How do I view networked leaderboards?
A: Log in to a Big Buck Hunter Pro account, navigate to the main menu and then press the "Leaderboards" button. On the Leaderboards menu, select "Network Leaderboards". On the next menu you will see three buttons: "Adventure", "Arcade Tournament" and "Hunting Party". Press "Adventure" to view Whitetail Adventure, Perfect Sites, Longest Streak, and individual trek scores. Press "Arcade Tournament" to view up to 5 arcade tournaments that you have participated in. Press "Hunting Party" to view the number of sites led for each member of your hunting party.
Q: The number of sites led in my hunting party doesn’t change when I’m playing Big Buck Hunter Pro on my iPhone or iPod touch. Why isn’t this changing?
A: Hunting Party stats only keep track of the number of sites led for the arcade version of Big Buck Hunter Pro.
Q: How do I reload after a shot?
A: Tap the “RELOAD” bar that appears at the bottom of the screen after every shot.
Q: Sometimes when I shoot a buck, it goes down in 1 shot. Other times it takes 2. Why is this occurring?
A: Bucks go down in 1 shot when they are shot in the head or the heart. If you hit the buck but fail to hit the head or the heart, the next shot that hits the buck kills it.
Q: How does Critter Bonus scoring work?
A: The first critter killed is worth 50 points. Each critter killed after the first is worth 50 points more than the last. So, for example, the first critter killed is worth 50 points, the second is worth 100, the third is worth 150 and so on. When the Critter Bonus score is calculated, it updates a total Critter Bonus score as opposed to displaying the individual points awarded for each critter killed.
Q: How does the Streak Bonus scoring work?
A: The second consecutive perfect site a player achieves starts a perfect streak. Each consecutive perfect site awards the player with the number of perfect sites in the streak multiplied by 100. For example, the second perfect site in a streak will award the player with 200 points. The sixth perfect site in a streak will award the player with 600 points. These points are counted toward a player’s adventure/trek total. Streak Bonuses are not applied to a player’s Hunter Hero score for an individual site.
Q: Why aren’t Streak Bonus points included in my Hunter Hero total?
A: Streak Bonus points only apply to your total location/adventure score. They are a measure of how well you are doing overall in a location/adventure. Your Hunter Hero score is reflective of how well you are doing at a specific site within a location.
Q: I received a Marksman award after completing a site. What did I do to achieve this?
A: Players receive the Marksman award when they kill each buck at a site with one shot. Missing any shot, shooting a doe, or failing to kill all three bucks with one shot each will prevent you from receiving the award. Shooting critters is acceptable as long as you do not miss a shot when attempting to shoot them. When the player receives the Marksman award, there is no additional bonus awarded other than receiving the full point value for 100% accuracy. With the triple buck bonus factored in (accuracy bonus x3), the player will receive the maximum accuracy bonus of 300 points.
Q: How are accuracy percentages calculated? For example, if I kill a buck in one shot, miss a shot, and then kill a critter, my accuracy is 50% instead of 66%.
A: Your accuracy rating is based solely on how many kill shots were registered on the bucks in a level versus how many shots failed to kill a buck. Killing a critter does not affect your accuracy, but each missed shot when attempting to kill a critter will count toward your missed shots for the level. In the example provided above, killing the buck in one shot starts the player off with 100% accuracy. Missing the second shot lowers the player’s accuracy to 50% (1 out of 2 successful kill shots). Killing the critter in one shot does not affect the player’s accuracy. Here’s another example illustrating how accuracy works: shooting a buck two times kills it and the player is awarded 50% accuracy instead of 100%. Although no shots missed the buck, the first shot was not a kill shot (a shot to the head or heart). The second shot, regardless of location, will kill the buck and counts as a kill shot. This means that only 1 out of 2 of the shots fired was a kill shot, explaining why the player was awarded 50% accuracy.
Q: How does scoring work for bucks?
A: The number of points awarded for each buck is based on the buck’s weight and the distance at which the buck was killed. To maximize your points, wait for bucks to move further into the distance before you kill them. Shooting the head or the heart of a buck only impacts your accuracy bonus.
Q: I achieved “Double Perfect” on a bonus level. What does this mean?
A: Players are awarded Perfect status when they achieve 100% accuracy regardless of the number of targets destroyed. Players are also awarded a status of Perfect when they manage to destroy all targets in a level. Achieving “Double Perfect” means that the player obtained both 100% accuracy and managed to destroy all targets.
Q: What qualifies as a “Perfect Site”?
A: Killing all three bucks within a site qualifies as a perfect site.
Q: What is the difference between the “Perfect Sites” leaderboard and the “Longest Streak” leaderboard?
A: The “Perfect Sites” leaderboard measures how many perfect sites a player has achieved in an adventure. The “Longest Streak” leaderboard measures the highest consecutive number of perfect sites a player has achieved in an adventure.
Q: If I fail to achieve “Double Perfect” on a bonus game in the middle of a “Perfect Site” streak, will I lose my streak?
A: No. A perfect site streak only applies to levels with bucks, does and critters. Bonus games are not counted as a site.
Q: Can I save my progress in a trek/adventure and resume where I left off later?
A: Yes. If you quit in the middle of a trek or adventure by either returning to the main menu or exiting the application, selecting either “1 Trek” or “3 Treks” will present you with a resume option. However, please note that the game will only keep track of your progress in one of the two trek modes at a time. For example, if you quit out of “1 Trek” mode in the middle of the trek, starting a new 3 trek adventure will erase your progress in “1 Trek” mode.
Q: When using the Arcade Game Finder, no arcade machines are found when I search using Current Location function. What happened?
A: The Arcade Game Finder only displays arcade machines within a 30 mile radius of your location.
Q: When searching by city, state or zip with the Arcade Game Finder, the map displays the center of the world. What happened?
A: If your search query is invalid, Google Maps will display the center of the world. Double-check the spelling/format of your search query and try again.
Q: When using the Arcade Game Finder, all I see is a blue, white or green screen. What happened?
A: If no arcade machines are found within a 30 mile radius of the location you searched, Google Maps zooms in to the finest level of detail. In many cases, this causes the map to be zoomed in too far to the point that you will not be able to see any of the surrounding landmarks on the map.
Q: When I search for arcade machines within a state, all of the machines within the state are not displayed. What happened?
A: The Arcade Game Finder does not support displaying all of the machines within a state. You must search by either “city” or “city, state” format.
Q: Can I play Big Buck Hunter Pro on a jailbroken device?
A: Big Buck Hunter Pro was not tested on any jailbroken devices, therefore, we cannot provide for support for customers experiencing issues on those devices.