Tech Support

For support on Super Happy Fun Fun published titles:

  1. 3D Tilt-A-World (Mobile)
  2. Tilt-A-World (Mobile)
  3. Other Mobile Titles
please email your issue to

If you prefer, you may leave a toll-free voice message for our support staff at (512) 532-1203.

Along with your issue please be sure to include:

  1. Your name
  2. Email address
  3. Platform information
    1. Mobile
      1. Your carrier
      2. Phone model number
    2. Macintosh
      1. Computer model
Our support staff will get back to you within 24 -48 hours (Monday - Friday) and do their best to resolve your issues.

For Super Happy Fun Funs titles published by our partners please refer to the specific publisher's support page for that title.

Thank you for playing Super Happy Fun Fun games.