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Tech Support: Big Buck Safari

Q: Which devices are supported?

Q: The game seems to be running slow and hitching, is this normal?

Q: How do I log into Game Center?

Q: How do I view High Scores?

Q: How do I view achievements?

Q: Can I share my local scores?

Q: Why do some options say "Coming Soon?"

Q: How do I reload after a shot?

Q: How do I know which animals I am supposed to shoot?

Q: How does Critter Bonus scoring work?

Q: How does Streak Bonus scoring work?

Q: What qualifies as a Perfect Site?

Q: Why aren't streak bonuses included in my Hunter Hero total?

Q: How are accuracy percentages calculated? For example, if I kill a bull in one shot, miss a shot, then kill a critter, my accuracy is 50% instead of 66%.

Q: I received a Marksman award after completing a site. What did I do to achieve this?

Q: How does scoring work for bulls/bucks?

Q: How does scoring work for trophy animals?

Q: I achieved "Double Perfect on a bonus level, what does this mean?

Q: What is the difference between the Perfect Sites leaderboard and the Longest Streak leaderboard?

Q: Can I save my progress and resume where I left off later?

Q: What happens if I choose the "Clear Data" option?

Q: Can I play Big Buck Safari on a "jailbroken" device?

Q: Which devices are supported?
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4
iPod touch (3rd generation)
iPod touch (4th generation)
iPad 2

Q: The game seems to be running slow and hitching, is this normal?
A: No, on all supported devices the game should play smoothly without any frame rate problems. If you experience performance issues this may be due to having too many other applications running in the background, which uses up active system memory. You can see all of the processes running by pressing the Home button on your device 2 times. To eliminate performance problems you should close processes that you aren't using. You can close them individually or simply power off the device and power it back on. If you continue to experience framerate problems please send an email to our support staff and someone will contact you to help solve your problem.

Q: How do I log into Game Center?
A: If you are not already logged in through the Game Center application using the home screen button, a prompt should appear when you launch the Big Buck Safari app.
If you do not have a Game Center account you can create one when prompted, all you need to do is fill out the required info as it appears. If you do not wish to use Game Center, please cancel whenever the prompt appears (each time you launch the application w/o being signed in)
Note: If you are not signed in to Game Center and you return to a previously started game session, it is possible for the Game Center prompt to appear on any menu and even in the middle of a game. This is not controlled by the Big Buck Safari application. To avoid any potential problems, it is best to log in or create a new Game Center account either before launching Big Buck Safari or when on one of the game menus. If the prompt appears during gameplay just press Cancel.

Q: How do I view High Scores?
A: After selecting the Score button on the Main Menu, you can scroll through all of the high scores.

Q: How do I view achievements?
A: Use the Game Center button on the device home screen, select Games, Big Buck Safari, then select achievements.

Q: Can I share my local scores?
A: The Local Leaderboards are only stored on individual devices. The only score sharing that is supported at this time is through Game Center, which tracks scores for each Trek location as well as the overall score from completing a 3 Trek Adventure. There are pre-set default high scores to provide a challenge for players to beat when they first install the app.

Q: Why do some options say "Coming Soon?"
A: All such as the Buffalo adventure and some Bonus Games will be unlocked in a future update. Beyond the ones that are already shown in the game, there are more animals, tons of Bonus Games, and Multiplayer features that will be added in the future.

Q: How do I reload after a shot?
A: After every shot, tap the "RELOAD" bar that appears at the bottom of the screen.

Q: How do I know which animals I am supposed to shoot?
A: Instructions appear before starting a game to show the difference between male (bull, buck, etc.) and female (cow, doe, etc.) animals. Generally the males have a slightly different coloration and recognizable horns. All other creatures such as Trophy Animals (Lion, Elephant, Giraffe, etc.) and Critters (birds, frogs, hyenas) can be shot for extra points.
Sometimes when I shoot an animal it goes down in one shot, other times it takes 2. Why does this happen?
If you hit a vital area such as the head or heart, the animal dies in one shot. It can take 2 or more non-vital hits to bring down a bull or trophy animal.

Q: How does Critter Bonus scoring work?
A: The first critter killed is worth 50 points. Each critter killed after that is worth 25 points more than the last. For example, the second critter is worth 75 points, the third is worth 100 points, and so on. Killing all 5 critters in a site adds up to a total of 500 points for the Critter Bonus.

Q: How does Streak Bonus scoring work?
A: The second consecutive perfect site starts a Perfect Streak, and the player is awarded 200 points for getting two perfect sites in a row. Each consecutive perfect site awards the player with the number of perfect sites in the streak multiplied by 100. For example, the third perfect site in a streak will award the player with 300 points, the sixth perfect site will award 600 points, and so on. These points are counted towards the player's total score for the Trek. Streak bonuses are not applied to a player's Hunter Hero score for an individual site.

Q: What qualifies as a Perfect Site?
A: Killing all 3 of the bulls is considered a perfect site. The number of shots and number of trophy animals and critters killed does not affect perfect site status.

Q: Why aren't streak bonuses included in my Hunter Hero total?
A: Streak bonus points only apply to your location/adventure score They are a measure of how well you are doing overall. Your Hunter Hero score is reflective of how well you are doing at a specific site within a location.

Q: How are accuracy percentages calculated? For example, if I kill a bull in one shot, miss a shot, then kill a critter, my accuracy is 50% instead of 66%.
A: Your accuracy rating is based solely on how many kill shots were registered on the bulls in a level versus how many shots failed to kill a bull. Killing a trophy animal or critter does not affect your accuracy, but each missed/non-kill shot when attempting to kill a critter or trophy animal will count towards your missed shots for the level. For example, killing a bull in one shot starts the player out with 100% accuracy. Killing a bull in two shots lowers the player's accuracy to 50% (1 out of 2 successful kill shots) even though both shots hit the bull. The logic behind this system is that player's should try to hit the vital areas, just as an experienced hunter would.

Q: I received a Marksman award after completing a site. What did I do to achieve this?
A: Players receive the Marksman award when they kill each bull at a site with one shot each. Missing any shot, or taking 2 shots to kill a bull will prevent you from receiving the award. Shooting critters and trophy animals is acceptable as long as no shots are missed and as long as the trophy animal dies in one shot.

Q: How does scoring work for bulls/bucks?
A: The number of points awarded for each bull/buck is based on the animal's weight and the distance at which it is killed. To maximize your points, wait for them to move further into the distance before you kill them. Shooting the head or heart only impacts your accuracy bonus.

Q: How does scoring work for trophy animals?
A: Similar to bucks, distance plays a large factor. However, the number of shots is a big factor in your score. For example, if you kill 2 elephants from an equal distance, an elephant that dies in 2 shots will score higher than an elephant that dies in 5 shots.

Q: I achieved "Double Perfect on a bonus level, what does this mean?
A: Players are awarded a Perfect status when they achieve 1005 accuracy regardless of the number of targets destroyed. Players are also awarded a Perfect status when they manage to destroy all targets. Achieving Double Perfect means that all targets were destroyed with 100% accuracy.

Q: What is the difference between the Perfect Sites leaderboard and the Longest Streak leaderboard?
A: Perfect Sites measures the total number of sites that the player completed and killed all 3 bulls. The Longest Streak leaderboard measures the highest consecutive number of perfect sites within an adventure.

Q: Can I save my progress and resume where I left off later?
A: Yes. If you quit during a trek or adventure you will be presented with a Resume option when you return. The 1 Trek and 3 Trek modes are completely independent of each other regarding progress saving, scoring, etc.
Be aware that once you select "New Trek" all progress in the existing trek in progress will be deleted and you will start from the beginning.

Q: What happens if I choose the "Clear Data" option?
A: The Clear Data option will erase the locally saved scores. It will not erase Game Center leaderboards or achievements.

Q: Can I play Big Buck Safari on a "jailbroken" device?
A: Big Buck safari was only tested on officially released devices. We cannot provide any support on devices that were jailbroken or otherwise altered in a manner that is not supported by the manufacturer.