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Nototious B.I.G.: Gettin' Paid
You're an up and coming hustler in New York who has caught the attention of legendary hip-hop artist, Notorious B.I.G. Street Cred and money are obtained by winning the dice games you run. You win by taking 60% of the total money brought to the game by other players. If you can take every dollar from each player, so much the better! If all your money is taken by the other players, or if you are caught cheating, you lose.

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Notorious B.I.G. Guide

Copyright © 2007, All Rights Reserved, Super Happy Fun Fun, Inc.

Street Cred

Your advancement through the game is measured by Street Cred. You can gain or lose Street Cred in a number of ways.

- Cheat 4 times in 4-5-6 or Street Craps without getting caught = +3 points.
- Caught cheating (Ass Whooped) = -20 points.

- Win a round of 4-5-6 or Street Craps = +1 point.
- Win a round of 4-5-6 by rolling 4-5-6 = +3 points.
- Lose a round of 4-5-6 or Street Craps = -1 point.

- Bankrupt one player out of a game (4-5-6 or Street Craps) = +5 points.
- Bankrupt two players out of a game (4-5-6 or Street Craps) = +10 points.
- Bankrupt three players out of a game (4-5-6 or Street Craps) = +15 points.

- A player leaves a game with money = -1 point.
- Lose a game of 4-5-6 or Street Craps = -7 points.

- Get a player to raise his/her bet in Street Craps = +2 points.
- Fail to get a player to raise his/her bet in Street Craps = -1 points

- Get a player to go from 90% (or more) suspicious to 10% (or less) suspicious = +5 points.
- A player goes from 20% suspicious (or less) to 90% suspicious (or more) in one round = -2 points.

Attitude and Suspicion

The key to becoming a successful hustler is watching the other players to be sure they’re not too suspicious of you, and that they’re having a good time playing the game. If you can do this, you'll will be able to sucker the other players into spending all their money on the games. Attitude is measured by the color of the status bar above the head of each player (green = happy / red = angry). Suspicion is measured by the icon on top of the status bar (left = gullible / right = suspicious). The happier and less suspicious a player is, the bigger their bets are, and the more likely they are to play the game until all their money is gone.

How to Play 4-5-6

4-5-6 uses three six-sided dice. One round consists of each participating player throwing the dice in turn. The player with the highest valued combination wins the pot.

The combinations are:
1-2-3: The lowest combination. A player who rolls this automatically loses (unless everyone rolls 1-2-3, resulting in a tie).

4-5-6: The highest combination. A player who rolls this automatically wins (unless another player rolls 4-5-6, resulting in a tie).

Trips: Three of the same number (example: 4-4-4). To win, another player must roll either a higher trips or 4-5-6.

Doubles: Two dice show the same number and the third shows a different number. The third die is the value for the roll. For example, 2-2-3 is a doubles with a value of 3. 4-5-6 and trips always beat doubles. Doubles with higher value rolls beat doubles with lower values. For example, both 1-1-6 and 6-6-4 beat 2-2-3, while 1-1-6 beats 6-6-4. Note that the doubled number itself does not affect the value: 2-2-1 and 6-6-1 would tie.

All other rolls, such as 1-3-5, are not legal combinations and must be re-rolled.

How to Play Street Craps

One round consists of one player throwing the dice. That player will continue to throw the dice until he/she craps out, or sevens-out, at which time the dice will go to the next active player in the rotation.

Players may make two types of bets: a Pass Line bet or a Don’t Pass bet. Pass Line and Don’t Pass bets cover each other at 1:1 odds. At the start of a round, the other players display the bets they would like to make; you never set the bet, you merely choose to cover or not cover. If neither you nor another player choose to cover a particular bet, that uncovered player must sit the round out. If the shooter is one of the players sitting a round out, they must pass the dice to the next active player in the rotation.

The first roll of a new round is the come-out roll. Come-out rolls can be:

7 or 11: The Pass Line bettors win their bets; the Don’t Pass bettors lose theirs.

2, 3, or 12: The shooter has crapped out. The Pass Line bettors lose their bets; the Don’t Pass bettors win theirs.

4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10: Point set.If a point has been set, the shooter rolls the dice again in one or more points rounds, until either of the following occurs:

Point Made: The shooter rolls the point number again. The Pass Line bettors win their bets; the Don’t Pass bettors lose theirs.

Seven-Out: The shooter rolls a 7. The Pass Line bettors lose their bets; the Don’t Pass bettors win theirs.

If Odds Bets are on, and the come-out roll results in a point, odds bets may be made. The player making the odds bet puts up the standard amount, but the covering player puts up the odds amount, so that these bets have the following odds:
- Point is 4 or 10: Odds are 2:1
- Point is 5 or 9: Odds are 3:2
- Point is 6 or 8: Odds are 6:5
(The odds are based on the chance making the point vs. the chance of rolling a seven. For example, there are two ways to roll a 4 but six ways to roll a 7, for odds 2:1 in favor of the Pass bettor.)

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