In Tilt-A-World, the Ball’s momentum is controlled by the player tilting their phone. Through camera based motion detection, moving the phone moves the Ball through multi-tiered levels with maze-like paths, playfield puzzles, gems, and deadly falls in a race against time.
- Innovative gameplay uses camera controlled navigation on specified phones.
- The first game to truly exploit features unique to mobile phones.
- Easy-to-Learn/Hard-to-Master, casual, one button gameplay hits all demographics.
- Playfield features include switches, gates, targets, spinners, bumpers & drains!
- Specified phones are featured with... Eye Mobile and Vibetonz
Tips & Tricks:
- The Eyemo input moves the ball with camera control technology. If you’re having difficulty controlling the ball accurately, try playing the game with the camera pointed toward a heavily textured surface.
- Remember to position your hand(s) on the phone so that your fingers are clear of the camera lens.
- Tilt the phone gently. If you tilt the phone too much, the ball will roll very quickly and you may lose a ball!
- Remember to pick up as many gems as possible to boost your score, but be sure to keep an eye on the time left to finish the level.
- Look for the time bonus pick-up to extend the time you have left to finish the level.
- Keep an eye out for the extra ball bonus so you will have more chances to win the game.
- Always roll the ball through check points. Not only will the check point reset the timer, but the game will begin at the last visited check point after you lose a ball.
- The OK and 5 keys will put the brakes on the ball. Press one of these keys if the ball is moving too fast. The brake is your friend!
- There are plenty of time pick-ups scattered about on the final level (Level 9). We DO NOT recommend picking them all up immediately. If you lose a ball, your time will be reduced to the time you had when you last crossed a checkpoint, or began the level with, if you did not cross a checkpoint. Since the time pick-ups you obtained prior to losing a ball do not respawn, it’s a good idea to leave some behind for yourself, just to be sure you have enough time to get to the end of the level.