IGN has nominated 3D Tilt-A-World for: - Best Puzzle Game of 2006 - Most Innovative Design of 2006 - Best Mobile Game of 2006
Go here to vote now!
3D Tilt-A-World is runner-up for IGN Wireless Most Innovative Design 2006!
3D Tilt-A-World launched on Amp'd phones!
3D Tilt-A-World Makes IGN's Top 10 Holiday Buyer's Guide
3D Tilt-A-World listed in the 25 most innovative mobile games of 2006
3D Tilt-A-World is the featured game of the month on the Texas Film Commission site.
Review of 3D Tilt-A-World on WG World
Pocket Gamer Article: 3D Tilt-A-World camera phone game launches
WG World Article: Motion Controlled Wireless Games
Forbes Article: 3D Tilt-a-World Ignites a Revolution in Mobile Gaming
Gamasutra Article: First GestureTek-Enabled Game 3D Tilt-a-World Released
Thanks to QuicklyBored for the fantastic 3D Tilt-A-World video on YouTube!
3D Tilt-A-World reviewed on IGN
Nominated for the 2006 International Mobile Gaming Awards
Finalist at the BREW 2006 Developer Awards
Review: 3D Tilt-A-World makes "Hotness" on QuicklyBored
- Innovative gameplay uses camera controlled navigation on specified phones.
- 3D graphics showcase advanced capabilities of VCAST phones.
- The first game to truly exploit features unique to mobile phones.
- Easy-to-Learn/Hard-to-Master, casual, one button gameplay hits all demographics.
- Playfield features include switches, gates, targets, spinners, bumpers & drains!
- Specified phones are featured with...


Available on the following Verizon phones:
Audiovox 8940
Audiovox 8945
LG vx8000
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LG vx8100
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LG vx8300
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LG vx9800
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Motorola e815
Motorola k1m
Motorola l7c
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Motorola v3c RAZR
Motorola v3m RAZR
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Nokia 6315
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Samsung a870
Samsung a890
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Samsung a930
Samsung a950
Samsung a970
Available on the following Cellular South phones:
Motorola k1m
Motorola l7c
Motorola v3c
Motorola v3m
Coming Soon:
Casio gz1
LG vx8350
LG vx8500
LG vx8550
LG vx8700
LG vx9400
LG vx9900
Motorola Ve
Motorola v9m
Motorola z6c
Motorola z6tv
Samsung a990
Samsung u540
Samsung u620
Samsung u700
Samsung u740
More handsets will be announced shortly!
- The Eyemo input moves the ball with camera control technology. If you’re having difficulty controlling the ball accurately, try playing the game with the camera pointed toward a heavily textured surface.
- Remember to position your hand(s) on the phone so that your fingers are clear of the camera lens.
- Tilt the phone gently. If you tilt the phone too much, the ball will roll very quickly and you may lose a ball!
- Remember to pick up as many gems as possible to boost your score, but be sure to keep an eye on the time left to finish the level.
- Look for the time bonus pick-up to extend the time you have left to finish the level.
- Keep an eye out for the extra ball bonus so you will have more chances to win the game.
- Always roll the ball through check points. Not only will the check point reset the timer, but the game will begin at the last visited check point after you lose a ball.
- The OK and 5 keys will put the brakes on the ball. Press one of these keys if the ball is moving too fast. The brake is your friend!
- There are plenty of time pick-ups scattered about on the final level (Level 9). We DO NOT recommend picking them all up immediately. If you lose a ball, your time will be reduced to the time you had when you last crossed a checkpoint, or began the level with, if you did not cross a checkpoint. Since the time pick-ups you obtained prior to losing a ball do not respawn, it’s a good idea to leave some behind for yourself, just to be sure you have enough time to get to the end of the level. |
